Naples & Pompeii

Hi all!

I’m in procrastinating mode as I penned down this post even though I’ve to get my proposal ready in less than 3 days. Naples was basically the highlight of my trip ever since I watched a documentary on how pizza originated from there. So basically my aim was to have pizza. Pompeii was a side thing (priorities). But the day begun with an epic start as our pre-booked train closed its doors in our face. We were left scrambling to get another ticket to Napoli (luckily the wait for the next train was not long). At the Napoli train station, we got a (return) express ticket (11€/pax) for the circumvesuviana train to Pompeii. Side track a bit, the kind lady who helped us with our ticket purchase was dressed super sexily, literally buttoning only the middle button of her tight button down shirt.


Once in Pompeii (which was freaking hot), we queued about 30 mins for our entrance tickets. It took us about 4 hours to cover the area. But after a while, most things look the same.

Tip: There’s a pretty informative map/guide for the area if you are not following a tour group.




The kitchen area – the hole in the foreground was the stove.




Below was the people answer to postal code.


A bath tub in one of the houses.


A skeleton covered in volcanic ash when Mount Vesuvius erupted.






While waiting for the our reserved train to arrive, we got a lemonade to share. Even though it was quite pricey (it’s a tourist area), it was super refreshing, especially on a hot day. So no regrets.


Once back in Naples, we quickly hunted down the nearest highly recommended pizza eatery within a 10 mins walking distance from the main train station. Despite the long queue, the margherita pizza (baked using a charcoal oven) came out pretty quickly. We were also the only people who ordered a medium pizza (4.5€) to share. But I can’t imagine finishing a whole pizza by myself. I was stuffed after half of it. Ignoring the burnt crust, I like the fresh tomato base.

L’Antica Pizzeria da Michele – Address: Via Cesare Sersale 1/3, 80139, Naples, Italy




En route back to the station, we dropped by sfogliate calde, a pastry shop, where we got a custard puff to go. The puff was really fresh and quite good (2.5€). They also had this nutella/chocolate pastry that looked really nice but we were too full and not craving enough sweets to get that. We then dropped by the supermarket at the station to grab our rationing supplies for the next day’s train.

Antico Forno delle Sfogliatelle Calde Fratelli Attanasio – Address: Vico Ferrovia 1/2/3/4, 80142, Naples, Italy

A little TMI, but I’ve realised Italians prefer using tampons to pads. It was so hard to get pads from the limited selection available. Okay, till the next post, bye!


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